Friday, March 28, 2008

Old Web Bookmarks

I'm sifting through my work computer that I've been at for over 3 years. It's funny to look at the blogs and sites I've saved in my bookmarks. Most of them are work related but I'm also coming across sites including: Pygmy Goats Pictures, Maukie Cat, the Self Diet Club (I had a phase, leave me alone) and Fearless Filmmakers.

I forgot about the first year I met my good friend Brian. He was on an opposing kickball team and we met through yelling inside Arrested Development jokes on the field. I think it all started with a Bluth family chicken call -- and it's been love since.

Brian is a great friend. He has a hot boyfriend and fantastic stuff going on in his life.

It's hard to imagine him as the victim of this ridiculous kickball moment caught on a cell phone camera.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Winona Robber?

The Daily Mail
reports 'Sticky fingers' Winona Ryder is in new shoplifting scandal.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another World

I’ve been sick this week. It’s absolutely painful for me to get sick because I have a hard time sitting still and slowing down. However this week my body and my brain joined forces and I’ve been stuck in my apartment going to bed early and craving noodle soup.

The other morning I woke up to the oddest sounds. There were two elderly men in the back alley singing songs in Spanish. While they were singing they were stomping on cans from my neighbors recycling! Talking, laughing, singing and stomping on cans. They didn’t have a cart full of stuff like many of the dumpster divers do. They were just stomping on cans and goofing around.

The noise kept me awake for a while. I watched them for about 10 minutes anxious for the grand finale. Then after the cans seemed nice and flat they put them back in my neighbors recycle bin and left the alley.

I’m not sure what world I woke up in...but it was kind of nice...


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Jimmy's response to I'm F*** Matt Damon