Friday, March 28, 2008

Old Web Bookmarks

I'm sifting through my work computer that I've been at for over 3 years. It's funny to look at the blogs and sites I've saved in my bookmarks. Most of them are work related but I'm also coming across sites including: Pygmy Goats Pictures, Maukie Cat, the Self Diet Club (I had a phase, leave me alone) and Fearless Filmmakers.

I forgot about the first year I met my good friend Brian. He was on an opposing kickball team and we met through yelling inside Arrested Development jokes on the field. I think it all started with a Bluth family chicken call -- and it's been love since.

Brian is a great friend. He has a hot boyfriend and fantastic stuff going on in his life.

It's hard to imagine him as the victim of this ridiculous kickball moment caught on a cell phone camera.

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