Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I’ve been pretty bored lately.

The boredom could come from the cold of the winter. It also might be the fact that a number of my friends are low when it gets dark and chili, so I’m spending more time alone. But I am bored.

“If you’re bored, you’re boring...” one of my cousins tells her kids when they complain.

But I’m not boring, I know this. I have a ton of projects at my apartment that I work on, I invite people over, I workout at the Y about 5 times a week (and say hello to the regulars there), I’m usually busy all weekend long, I see friends, I see family, I see book club girls, I see stitch n bitch-ers, I’m not adverse to doing things alone (I’ll head to a party on my own, or the coffee shop, or grab some food) AND I’m working on the most challenging work project I’ve ever been part of. When I break down my shoots from this last summer and fall – they are certainly not boring...and the travel I got to be part of was extremely fulfilling. All of this is exciting. Yet still, at the end of the day, I’m flat.

The work stuff is slowing down and I’m craving to keep the busy pace.
The friends are retreating inside for “movie nights” and I want to keep pounding the strip.

I think I need something new, which could bring up some big changes.

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