Monday, February 18, 2008

Good Stuff

I think it's important to have a place to go that makes you feel good. For me it's the Town Talk Diner.

I feel good the second I walk in. The bartenders are good looking and nice people. The food is amazing. And I've gone there enough to receive special treatment like free drinks, taste tests and a very friendly (flirty) reception from the staff.

The cute bartenders are usually pretty attentive and that's a nice boost for a single gal.

Other things that were nice this weekend:
Sleeping 8 full hours one night.
Running the Valentine's 5K with Amy and Liz.
Minnesota Pot Luck dinner at Dale and Kerstin's.
A reunion with an old friend.


Jessica said...

I hear ya, sister. Leaving the haunts is one of the biggest parts of leaving a city.

Cari said...

I loooove the Town Talk diner. Ice cream and booze? Yes, please. The chef that used to be there just opened a new place up on Dayton's Bluff called The Strip Club. I highly recommend it. Get the Devil's eggs. Yum.