Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday Evening

It was a wonderful night.

My work, thoughts, friendships have been heavy for a while now. It’s life. I get it, but at the same time it’s wearing and leaves me wishing for something light and hopeful.

Last night the fog lifted. Some girlfriends and I headed downtown to meet up with Diana’s college friend. He happens to be on a crew of a touring Irish dance show and invited us out for fun with some members of the company.

I bought myself one drink and was taken care of for the rest of the night. 6 girls went out. 6 girls met boys. 5 girls got kissed. 3 girls ran into each other this morning in a hotel lobby. 1 girl had a polite coffee this morning with someone potentially special. 5 girls met in a bar for lunch a few hours ago to laugh and debrief after a great night out.

“You’re not groupies, you’re band-aids…” I kept giggling the notorious "Almost Famous" line that Penny Lane says to defend her and her friends after hooking up with musicians.

I haven’t had a funny and sparky night out in a long time. It was overdue.

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