Monday, November 19, 2007

I’m cranky today.

As a budget conscious late 20-something, I’ve been trying to stick with a ritual of making a large batch of something delicious on Sunday’s and eating through it for lunches during the week.

In the spring and summer it’s usually salads. In the fall and winter it’s soups.

I made the worst soup ever yesterday. It was a huge pot of Potato, Garlic, Leek soup. It tastes super gross and feels like baby food.

However, I spent enough money on the groceries that I can’t toss it and the point isn’t to give it away. So I’m planning on gagging it down.

At lunch today, the colleagues I ate with were eating fantastic hot sandwiches from the skyway. I was eating my baby food.

Here is physical evidence that I cleaned my closet last week.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

The coolest thing I read about today was the XO Laptop.

MIT media/technology guy, Nicholas Negroponte, developed a laptop for about $200 with the mission of giving kids in developing nations computers. These are kids that most likely don't have access to computers or technology in their schools.
The review of the machine is that it's pretty great. These laptops won't be sold to the US -- but until Nov. 26th the US and Canada can get one if they donate another to a child in a developing nation. Total cost is $399 plus shipping, with a $200 tax deductible donation. helps you do that.

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I think it's a smart idea. If I had the money I'd donate. But since I don't, I emailed my parents about this amazing opportunity to help children that need them. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Columbia students bravely face second week of diet...err, hunger strike protest with laptop computers, lamps, a water heater, music speakers, a Facebook page, text-message updates and shelter at the nearby Malcolm X lounge in case it rains...

A Week Into the Columbia Hunger Strike

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The hunger strike has already seen it's share of heartache. On Monday, student Aretha Choi collapsed in the library.
It seems Aretha isn't new to this particular form of protest. She recently spoke to Asian-American women's magazine Audrey for an April story about her longtime struggle with anorexia. I guess you meet them where ever you go...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Associated Press reported a great story today.

8 cows escaped from a trailer out the back gate when the driver pulled into a Utah McDonald's. Apparently it took hours to wrangle the cows and get them back.

What's missing from the report is whether the driver went into McDonald's and ate anyways. I think if he did -- he should probably expect some bad karma. I would.

This story reminded me of one I followed as a young News Director at Radio K over 5 years ago.

Another cow wasn't happy about her fate. In February of 2002 a cow escaped from Ken Meyer Meats in Camp Washington and traveled to Clifton's Mt. Storm Park, ripping up lawns and stopping traffic along the way. She was on the run for 11 days (!!!). During these days she was hit by tranquilizer darts, cornered in parks, loaded into holding pens, and jumped at by animal handlers -- but she jumped the fences, broke the holding pens, ran with the tranquilizer darts hanging off of her and broke a couple legs of the professional handlers.

Eventually enough tranquilizers stopped her and she was returned to her farm. She now lives in Watkins Glen Animal Sanctuary, a very large farm where approximately 1,000 animals live out their lives in total peace. Her name became Cinci Freedom. That’s silly I know – but it was a really great story.

I love it when nature has a way of making a point.

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I remember myself and my Radio K news volunteers tuned into the “Cinci” story religiously. Which, I have to say, in a newly post 911 Newsroom was a really bright and fluffy thing to focus on.

My news interests have gotten much more serious now, especially since I’ve started working on health documentaries. But I truly think the odd human interest stories are very overlooked, and possibly the most symptomatic of everyday life.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

There is no X in Espresso

I get a kick out of people saying funny things. Especially when they believe they are right. I’m not a snob. I’d actually call myself forgiving and patient. I rarely make fun of people, and I feel terrible for weeks if I’ve made someone feel bad. But the true imp in me giggles privately when I meet a know-it-all that makes mistakes.

As a former Coffee Barista, one of the most irritating questions I encountered was, “can I get a French Vanilla Cappuccino?” My skin would crawl. I’d do anything to keep from having the customer hear my sigh. I knew exactly what they wanted -- a sweet hot drink that tasted like a cross between vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate and a splash of coffee. I’d take a breath and politely ask the question I really wanted to know, “Are you used to a cappuccino from the machines at a gas station?”

Most of the time, if the customer was honest, the answer was yes. Then I could conclude that this guest might not be able to handle the taste of a real cappuccino, even if there was a shot of vanilla flavoring. And really, what makes a vanilla cappuccino French (nothing, it’s supposed to sound fancy)?

“What’s EX-presso? It’s just really strong coffee, right?”
“Not exactly ma’am, and there’s actually no ‘X’ in the word espresso.”
“You mean EX-presso?”
“No ma’am espresso.”
“Whatever, can you make a French Vanilla Cappuccino?”
(sign) “Yes, I can make one of those.”

They’d usually want to send it back. Complaining that there was too much froth and that it didn’t taste like French Vanilla Cappuccino.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Today, my Puerto Rican Grandma Carmen told me “do not let go of your pigeon even if there are 100 others around.”

It came out of nowhere – but I’ve been thinking about it since.

“Alright Mima, I won’t let go of my pigeon.”

I’m not in a relationship – so this isn’t a ‘chasing after other fish in the sea’ kind of comment.

It might be about work. It might be about valuing friends and family. It might be about Minneapolis. It’s most likely about Minneapolis...

Thursday, November 01, 2007


1. Keep running through the winter
2. Show up to book club with books read
3. Knit something other than a scarf or hat this winter
4. Drink less during the work week
5. More friend time
6. Less work hours
7. Take on a new freelance project (keeping goal 6 in mind)
8. Update resume
9. Sift through crap in apartment
10. More non-work writing