Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Associated Press reported a great story today.

8 cows escaped from a trailer out the back gate when the driver pulled into a Utah McDonald's. Apparently it took hours to wrangle the cows and get them back.

What's missing from the report is whether the driver went into McDonald's and ate anyways. I think if he did -- he should probably expect some bad karma. I would.

This story reminded me of one I followed as a young News Director at Radio K over 5 years ago.

Another cow wasn't happy about her fate. In February of 2002 a cow escaped from Ken Meyer Meats in Camp Washington and traveled to Clifton's Mt. Storm Park, ripping up lawns and stopping traffic along the way. She was on the run for 11 days (!!!). During these days she was hit by tranquilizer darts, cornered in parks, loaded into holding pens, and jumped at by animal handlers -- but she jumped the fences, broke the holding pens, ran with the tranquilizer darts hanging off of her and broke a couple legs of the professional handlers.

Eventually enough tranquilizers stopped her and she was returned to her farm. She now lives in Watkins Glen Animal Sanctuary, a very large farm where approximately 1,000 animals live out their lives in total peace. Her name became Cinci Freedom. That’s silly I know – but it was a really great story.

I love it when nature has a way of making a point.

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I remember myself and my Radio K news volunteers tuned into the “Cinci” story religiously. Which, I have to say, in a newly post 911 Newsroom was a really bright and fluffy thing to focus on.

My news interests have gotten much more serious now, especially since I’ve started working on health documentaries. But I truly think the odd human interest stories are very overlooked, and possibly the most symptomatic of everyday life.

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