Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ahh the viral blogs of 2007. I watched a lot in 2007 -- I'd share them with my co-workers and then giggle.

I started this list last week.

I'll start with my very favorite and then more in no particular order.

***Otters Holding Hands***

I needed insulin after I saw this. This video makes me feel that there is hope in this mixed up world.

Leave Britney Alone

I wish I could forget Chris Crocker, but I can't.

CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Cebu, Philippines at THRILLER practice!

It feels a little sick to watch this.

Wedding Thriller Dance

Same theme song...

NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect

I love her.

I Got a Crush...On Obama By Obama Girl

Someone spent a lot of time on this...hmm...

Daft Hands - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Feist - 1 2 3 4

I guess this doesn't count as a viral video, but I love it... I first found it on youtube, it was on my myspace page for a while and I'd frequently click on it. It makes me happy. So it's one of my picks -- and since hardly anyone knows about my blog...that's just fine. :)

1 comment:

Cari said...

Obama girl needs to get a life. And some clothes.