Thursday, January 03, 2008

My friend Jason said that "whatever you do as you ring in the New Year is an indication of what you’ll do all year."

This New Year’s Eve I was at a fantastic show at the Varsity Theater with two best friends, I received text messages until 4:30am from someone who wanted to “visit” me (THAT IS NOT MY JAM), I made a couple thoughtful resolutions, I deleted an old ghost from my cell phone address book, I slept soundly, I woke up, and then started the New Years Day “All Day TV” ritual.

Last year Diana, Jason and I watched back to back episodes of Project Runway and then a movie (I forget which).

This year, Diana and I watched 6 episodes of Freaks and Geeks in Jason's apartment.

Jason was sick in his bed all day and it continued into January 2nd. I’m hoping this isn’t an indication of what he’ll be doing all year.

Freaks and Geeks has got to be my new favorite show. It reminds me of My So Called Life. It’s really tragic that people didn’t appreciate these shows while they were on TV.

Victims in the cruelest PE game: Dodge ball

Bill dresses as the Bionic Woman for his last Halloween


Lindsay Weir, once a mathlete, now freak tag-along


Freaks on left, Geeks on right

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