Sunday, June 29, 2008


I should probably update my blog. I simply haven't had downtime since I’ve been busy starting a new life in New York.

New apartment, new job, new places, new people, reconnecting with old’s all overwhelming but exciting. I feel good.

I’ll write more soon. But the most I want to say right now, is I have loved shedding the weight of old ghosts in Minneapolis. I am also enjoying my new city in the spring and summer.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Yesterday Pitchfork Media launched
will host interviews, music videos, feature-length films and third party video submissions at higher quality than standard online streaming video.

It good pretty good so far. I apprecited seeing loudQUIETloud: A Film About the Pixies and the video premiere of M83's Graveyard Girl.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Stuff White People Like

I've started to read a blog called Stuff White People Like. I haven't looking into the authors enough to decide how I feel about the blog...

But at the moment I think it's pretty funny.

Here are a few posts I found brillant and a little wrong:

Making you feel bad about not going outside

Asian Girls
Indie Music
Having Gay Friends

Friday, March 28, 2008

Old Web Bookmarks

I'm sifting through my work computer that I've been at for over 3 years. It's funny to look at the blogs and sites I've saved in my bookmarks. Most of them are work related but I'm also coming across sites including: Pygmy Goats Pictures, Maukie Cat, the Self Diet Club (I had a phase, leave me alone) and Fearless Filmmakers.

I forgot about the first year I met my good friend Brian. He was on an opposing kickball team and we met through yelling inside Arrested Development jokes on the field. I think it all started with a Bluth family chicken call -- and it's been love since.

Brian is a great friend. He has a hot boyfriend and fantastic stuff going on in his life.

It's hard to imagine him as the victim of this ridiculous kickball moment caught on a cell phone camera.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Winona Robber?

The Daily Mail
reports 'Sticky fingers' Winona Ryder is in new shoplifting scandal.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another World

I’ve been sick this week. It’s absolutely painful for me to get sick because I have a hard time sitting still and slowing down. However this week my body and my brain joined forces and I’ve been stuck in my apartment going to bed early and craving noodle soup.

The other morning I woke up to the oddest sounds. There were two elderly men in the back alley singing songs in Spanish. While they were singing they were stomping on cans from my neighbors recycling! Talking, laughing, singing and stomping on cans. They didn’t have a cart full of stuff like many of the dumpster divers do. They were just stomping on cans and goofing around.

The noise kept me awake for a while. I watched them for about 10 minutes anxious for the grand finale. Then after the cans seemed nice and flat they put them back in my neighbors recycle bin and left the alley.

I’m not sure what world I woke up in...but it was kind of nice...


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Jimmy's response to I'm F*** Matt Damon

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Falling Slowly

I was so happy to see Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova win best original song at the Oscars tonight.

Friday, February 22, 2008


I worked too much OT this week. It feels fulfilling to be almost completed with another project, but I can't help but notice I'm tired. I made a resolution about more friend time/less work time. It's pretty safe to say my efforts have been genuine, but the actual outcome is pathetic.

Looking forward to my trip next week to New York City. I'll see good friends, and meet a couple interesting filmmakers.

Humorous work things:
I was busted getting candy from the HR department.
Jennie is a closet Dixie Chicks fan.
A wonderful work friend brought me lunch.
On the way to work, Steve had to climb through my driver's side door.
I talked with Micheal Bacon a bunch of times on the phone.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Good Stuff

I think it's important to have a place to go that makes you feel good. For me it's the Town Talk Diner.

I feel good the second I walk in. The bartenders are good looking and nice people. The food is amazing. And I've gone there enough to receive special treatment like free drinks, taste tests and a very friendly (flirty) reception from the staff.

The cute bartenders are usually pretty attentive and that's a nice boost for a single gal.

Other things that were nice this weekend:
Sleeping 8 full hours one night.
Running the Valentine's 5K with Amy and Liz.
Minnesota Pot Luck dinner at Dale and Kerstin's.
A reunion with an old friend.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Raunchy Payback

I like celebrity gossip. I try to rise above -- but I love it and think it's hillarious.

A few years ago, Jimmy Kimmel started making a tradition of closing his episodes by saying "Apologies to Matt Damon, but we ran out of time" -- but Matt Damon was never actually scheduled to be on the show. He did this all of his season three, eventually invited Matt Damon on to the show and then totally punked Damon. Matt Damon was PISSED!

This started a gag and Matt Damon was the butt of all Jimmy Kimmel's jokes and red carpet pranks.

A couple weeks ago Sarah Silverman presented a special clip to her boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel.

I love how payback from celebs usually involves produced video, music and background dancers.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday Evening

It was a wonderful night.

My work, thoughts, friendships have been heavy for a while now. It’s life. I get it, but at the same time it’s wearing and leaves me wishing for something light and hopeful.

Last night the fog lifted. Some girlfriends and I headed downtown to meet up with Diana’s college friend. He happens to be on a crew of a touring Irish dance show and invited us out for fun with some members of the company.

I bought myself one drink and was taken care of for the rest of the night. 6 girls went out. 6 girls met boys. 5 girls got kissed. 3 girls ran into each other this morning in a hotel lobby. 1 girl had a polite coffee this morning with someone potentially special. 5 girls met in a bar for lunch a few hours ago to laugh and debrief after a great night out.

“You’re not groupies, you’re band-aids…” I kept giggling the notorious "Almost Famous" line that Penny Lane says to defend her and her friends after hooking up with musicians.

I haven’t had a funny and sparky night out in a long time. It was overdue.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Recently Played iTunes

I was looking at my recently played songs on my iTunes and thought it was hillarious.

The Futureheads
Nancy Sinatra (These Boots Are Made for Walking, of course)
Kanye West
Kiki & Herb

Kanye West followed by the super successful American drag cabaret duo, Kiki & Herb!

I wonder who would be most afraid of who? My feeling is that Kanye would have no idea what to do with Kiki & Herb.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My New Neighbor

Some of my favorite things about living in Uptown Minneapolis are:

-Relatively safe neighborhoods
-Easy access to coffee shops, bars and good food
-Many friends within walking distance
-Pretty progressive environments
-Lakes that offer a number of 5K runs or walks
-Good rental options

I usually really enjoy living where I do. My apartment is affordable, nice looking and comfortable. But the last few weeks a VERY sexually active new neighbor has been waking me up at night. Girlfriend is BUSY! It's an odd situation because I usually am awaken to "love" sounds any time between 2:30 and 5am. I'm used to living in the city. I'm used to hearing things. But this one is funny because I am woke up from a dead sleep (as early as 5am in the morning) to hear my neighbors love life.

When I vented this to a group of male and female friends I couldn't believe the response. Most of the ladies said, "Ohh God that's horrible. You should leave a nice anonymous note, letting her know it's a little noisy in the middle of the night. She probably doesn't even know they are loud." Then almost immediately the dudes replied, "don't you dare tell her you can hear them. That's rude and YOU'RE the one who's uncomfortable."

REALLY? If she was watching TV too loud at 4 in the morning I'd tell her. If she was vacuuming I'd probably storm up the stairs and demand she stops. What wouldn't I tell her this is waking me up?

This response was interesting to me. I got to wonder about the guys point. Then I wondered about the girls point. Then I got to wondering why it was so split down the middle of the sexes that girls would tell the sexually active (and noisy) neighbor "I can hear you at night and you might want to keep it down..." and the guys would rather put a pillow over their head and try to ignore it.

Last night I didn't know what to do. I decided to get up and make noise in my apartment because perhaps it would scare my neighbor if she heard someone moving around. It didn't scare them. Nothing stopped. Thumping, talking and love sounds kept flowing...

This story is to be continued...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bill Haverchuck

I'm pretty sure I knew about 10 kids like Bill Haverchuck while I was in high school. Child of a single parent, awesome, earnest, mortified, smarter then most others, made fun of, sad, sweet, so much more then meets the eye.

This is one of the best scenes in Freaks and Geeks.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

5 Facts

This was a blog entry topic a friend of mine recently did. I thought I'd steal the idea.

1. I am extremely good at getting up early -- especially under pressure.

2. A guilty pleasure of mine is celebrity gossip

3. I believe a broken heart can turn your senses upside down and is possibally the worst feeling ever. I'm serious.

4. I count calories.

5. Every morning I drink an emergen-c and every night I drink an emergen-c.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's cold out and I'm a little stressed.

When I'm stressed out, I can't sit still. I need to walk, workout or keep moving. When I slow down I get anxious and feel like I'm a racecar in red.

Tonight I bought Diana a hot chocolate -- and she walked with me. It's freezing and she was a good friend to bundle up and walk with me. The last two nights -- I've done it alone.

But tonight was much better with company and talking a bit.

I also ran into my neighborhood friend.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I’m still pretty into deleting. I thought this might calm down after ringing in 2008 – and crossing the symbolic lines of a “new beginning.” But the deleting hasn’t calmed down. It might, actually, be worst.

I deleted an old friend. He’s terrible at returning phone calls, he’s a dreamer and traveler and is currently wandering around. I’ve emailed. I’ve left messages. I’ve texted. The response is slow and I always am ticked off until I hear from him. And then after I hear from him, I’m happy and forget about the 3 weeks of wondering why my friend is such a scrub. So I deleted him. I pride myself at always making the effort to be in touch. So it will be interested to see when I hear from him next. It will have to be by his own initiation.

My brother has been deleted for a while as well. Not much to say. He’s in a terrible place and spreads bad juju all over. I needed a break, so I’m taking one.

I also have deleted a big portion of my closet. It’s just stuff. It’s T-shirts I don’t wear. It’s clothes I wore when I was a bigger size. It’s things I think “well maybe I’ll wear that again.” It’s gone (well nearly gone, it’s in my trunk ready to go to good will).

And when I look around my apartment I wonder, “what can I sell”, “what can I give away?”, “what can I throw away?”…

The deleting still feels healthy. It feels empowering to let go of things that are heavy. I guess it concerns me, a little, that I’m deleting people. But sometimes you need people to find you, reach out to you, make you feel you are just as important to them as they are to you. You know?

I started knitting fingerless gloves. They’re pretty cute and turning out nicely. Found a good pattern.

Since a bunch of my friends are blue and happy to stay in their apartments during the winter months, I’ve found that Tony is a great winter friend. His lovely wife is a S.A.D. person in the winter and prefers early bed times – so he’s been meeting up with me during the weekend to have fun. Two weekends ago it was the crazy evening ending at Jason’s. Last night it was meeting at the Red Dragon and walking to the VFW to hear the Motorhead guy sing karaoke.

I learned that cute Nate is a closet Whitney Houston fan, as I heard him sing along to “How Will I Know?” and “Where Do Broken hearts Go?"... I also heard him sing almost every word to "Stay" by Lisa Loeb. It was fantastic.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

My friend Jason said that "whatever you do as you ring in the New Year is an indication of what you’ll do all year."

This New Year’s Eve I was at a fantastic show at the Varsity Theater with two best friends, I received text messages until 4:30am from someone who wanted to “visit” me (THAT IS NOT MY JAM), I made a couple thoughtful resolutions, I deleted an old ghost from my cell phone address book, I slept soundly, I woke up, and then started the New Years Day “All Day TV” ritual.

Last year Diana, Jason and I watched back to back episodes of Project Runway and then a movie (I forget which).

This year, Diana and I watched 6 episodes of Freaks and Geeks in Jason's apartment.

Jason was sick in his bed all day and it continued into January 2nd. I’m hoping this isn’t an indication of what he’ll be doing all year.

Freaks and Geeks has got to be my new favorite show. It reminds me of My So Called Life. It’s really tragic that people didn’t appreciate these shows while they were on TV.

Victims in the cruelest PE game: Dodge ball

Bill dresses as the Bionic Woman for his last Halloween


Lindsay Weir, once a mathlete, now freak tag-along


Freaks on left, Geeks on right

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ahh the viral blogs of 2007. I watched a lot in 2007 -- I'd share them with my co-workers and then giggle.

I started this list last week.

I'll start with my very favorite and then more in no particular order.

***Otters Holding Hands***

I needed insulin after I saw this. This video makes me feel that there is hope in this mixed up world.

Leave Britney Alone

I wish I could forget Chris Crocker, but I can't.

CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Cebu, Philippines at THRILLER practice!

It feels a little sick to watch this.

Wedding Thriller Dance

Same theme song...

NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect

I love her.

I Got a Crush...On Obama By Obama Girl

Someone spent a lot of time on this...hmm...

Daft Hands - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Feist - 1 2 3 4

I guess this doesn't count as a viral video, but I love it... I first found it on youtube, it was on my myspace page for a while and I'd frequently click on it. It makes me happy. So it's one of my picks -- and since hardly anyone knows about my blog...that's just fine. :)